Monday, September 12, 2011

Too Good to be Ture?

So lately I've been overwhelmed with all the good things happening.  I just feel really blessed.  To the point where I'm a little scared that something really bad is going to happen.  Like too many good long is this going to last?  I mean, my laptop was stolen last week...if I make a big deal about how bad that is, does it balance out some of the good?  I know it doesn't work that way.  There is no score. there?

Good things / things making me happy lately:
-  Well Brendan of course, that's the big one that has me in awe...most days
-  Really good job
-  The chance to live in Denver
-  The fact that Comcast is packing the house, loading the truck and driving it out here
-  Got to live in Austin for 7 years (best city ever, minus 107 degree heat)
-  Best puppy ever
-  A nice car that I love, Spice, and has held up well so far
-  Today I put my contacts in on the first try, i'm actually making progress there
-  I eat like a cow, really, my diet is ridiculous ...and i don't look like a cow (yet)
-  I have really cute trail running shoes that I love (and should use more often, speaking of cows)
-  The wedding was gorgeous and all my favorite people were there
-  The wedding pictures were awesome, can't wait to print
-  I talk to my fam everyday
-  It was high of 85 today, but now it's getting a bit chilly, maybe i'll put on a sweatshirt
-  I'm leaving for Hawaii in a few weeks, and we'll be there like 9 days
-  I'm traveling so much i may have a free flight on Southwest soon-ish
-  The iPad (who says money can't buy happiness??)
-  Comcast is giving us free cable that includes ALL the premium channels (omg, wow)
-  I had time to read an entire book while I was on the plane back and forth to Philly
-  Moving into the Wash Park house, yay (even though we're just leasing for now)

To balance all that out...well:
-  My work laptop was stolen
-  I have a weird jaw/ear pain idea
-  I couldn't find the 1/3 less fat pringles at the gas station i stopped at, so i got Ranch, but i don't really like those
-  My plant Spike may not survive the move, he's looking pretty weak (Bob, and Wesley are fine)
-  I've been quickly developing wrinkles due to my poor face washing habbits (next blog post)

Anyways...feeling really blessed / happy / whatever.  PTL. 

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